Travis King
Forensic Document Examiner
Court Qualified Forensic Handwriting Analysis Expert. Graduate of The International School of Forensic Document Examination.
How it Works
1. Initial telephone conference with Mr. King
2. Case set-up and initial review upon receipt of documents & payment. For most cases, you can scan and email your documents via PDF files, or FedEx your originals to our office. (Originals will be returned once examination is complete.)
3. Examination & lab work performed.
4. Verbal Opinion rendered via phone upon completion of examination & lab work.
5. Written Opinion Letter rendered if requested. This can be done on in “Opinion Letter” format on official letterhead, or “Legal Declaration” format.
6. If needed, a Detailed Written Report (necessary for Federal Court) may be requested for a more comprehensive, demonstrative report.
Our clients have utilized our official “Letter of Opinion” to move their case along to settlement, arbitration, court testimony or dismissal. Today’s world of computers, FedEX, inexpensive air fare, and internet conference calling, has simplified the process of selecting the Examiner you prefer, rather than simply someone who may be local to you.

Providing assistance to victims of forgery
and questioned or altered documents.
Handwriting Analysis, Wills and Testaments, Probate, Contract Dispute, Ink and Paper Testing, Forged Checks, Poisoned Pen Letters, Threatening Notes, Questioned Handwriting on the Wall, Confession Letters, Suicide Notes, Theft of Property, Disguised Writing, Notes, Contracts, Prenuptial Agreements, Envelopes, Attorney Consultation, Courtroom Exhibitions, College Handwritten Exam, Deposition Reviews, and more…