Travis King

Forensic Document Examiner and Handwriting Expert

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Exemplar?

An “exemplar” is a clear, genuine, unaltered example, or “sample”, of handwriting.

Where can I find an Exemplar?
How Long does it take?

Our turn-around time varies per service.

Verbal Opinions are typically completed within four business days of the documents arrival.

Written opinions are typically completed within five to seven business days.

If you have a deadline, please let us know and we will do everything we can to cater to your schedule.

Can I use scans taken with a Phone?

Unless otherwise requested, or no other options are available, please send documents scanned on a scanner; high resolution scans are always preferred. Scans and photos taken with a phone or camera can cause the writing to appear skewed.

Can I use copies or pictures?

Original documents are always preferred for the best analysis. However, we understand that originals are not always obtainable – please send high resolution scans (not pictures, or phone captures) of 300DPI or higher. Please be advised that the opinions are based on the quality of the documents received.

Please be advised that the quaility clarity and quantity of the documents received has a bearing on the outcome of the examination.

What locations do you serve?

We are based in Oregon and frequently serve the West Coast and the rest of the United States. We also serve internationally.

Fee Schedule